Introducing Georgia to You

How is Georgian Sulguni cheese made?
How is Georgian Sulguni cheese made? It is believed that the first people to make Sulguni were the Megrelians and the Svans. This cheese is made from milk freshly milked from a buffalo or cow. The fresh, ripe cheese is first kneaded and then cut into thin layers before being…

How to pair Georgian wines with Czech cuisine?
Georgian wines are increasingly popular among wine lovers around the world, thanks to their rich history and unique grape varieties. If you are a fan of Czech cuisine and want to know how to pair these aromatic wines with your favorite dishes, this article is for you. Not only will…

Georgian sparkling lemonades Natakhtari
"Efes Georgia" is the leader of the Georgian beer and lemonade market "Efes Georgia" is the representative office of "Ephesus Breweries International Group" (EBI) in Georgia and produces local and licensed Natakhtari beer and lemonade brands for the Georgian market. "Efes Georgia" is the leader of the Georgian beer and…

Why to taste georgian beer?
When people talk about Georgia, the first thing that comes to mind is probably Georgian wine, as it is famous for its winemaking tradition. But we also have a long history of brewing culture. In this article I will introduce you to the history of Georgian beer. History You probably…

Georgian Wine Brandy Sarajishvili VSOP
Georgian Wine brandy Sarajishvili VSOP Sarajishvili VSOP is a very interesting brand of Georgian wine brandy that takes us from young vintage brandies to very old ones. VSOP is produced mainly from spirits obtained in the Gori zone, Ateni, Shuakartli region, by distilling grapes of the beautiful Chinuri Mtsvane and…

Beekeeping in Georgia – a 5500-year-old craft
Beekeeping and bee breeding has a long tradition in Georgia, according to archaeological findings over 5500 years old. A wide variety of bee products are produced in Georgia, the most valuable being honey. The advantage of Georgian honey is also the fact that there are many areas in Georgia without…

Odrudy hroznů z celé Gruzie
GRUZÍNSKÉ ODRUDY HROZNŮ Země Gruzie, jako rodiště vinařství, je domovem více než 500 odrůd domácích hroznů – což je zhruba jedna šestina celkových světových odrůd hroznů. Gruzínské vinice zahrnují ohrožené vinice, které se nenacházejí nikde jinde na zemi. Dnes jsou na některých vinicích živé vinné knihovny, kde mohou návštěvníci ochutnat…

Gruzie leží na východním pobřeží Černého moře, kde se Evropa setkává s Blízkým východem a Asií. Tato samostatná hornatá země je obklopena Ruskem na severu, Tureckem a Arménií na jihu, Ázerbájdžánem na východě a Černým mořem na západě. Gruzie je malá země o rozloze 27 000 čtverečních mil a je…

The Wine Appellations of Origin – Georgian wines (AOC) – 24 regions
Georgia has adopted the European Union's regulatory structure that defines wines associated with a specific place. To date, Georgia has registered 24 Protected Designations of Origin (PDOs -- Protected Designation of Origin for Georgian wines). Most of these are in the eastern part of the country; see the table below…

Georgian bread “Shotis Puri”
GEORGIAN BREAD - SHOTIS PURI In Georgia, bread is respected: it is eaten every day and takes pride of place on the festive table. Bread is baked the old-fashioned way, in a tonal oven that resembles a stone well, lined with clay bricks inside. The structure is buried in the…

Georgian wine and decanter have historical roots.
Welcome, Georgian wine lovers! Today, we're taking a look at our e-store, where we're featuring authentic wines from Georgia, and we're taking a deeper look at decanter. What is it, how was it created, what is it used for, and why is it so important to Georgian wine? In this…

Why don’t Georgians like to drink Alazani Valley wine?
GEORGIAN WINE - ALAZANI VALLEY When people talk about Georgian wine, often the first name that comes to mind is Alazani Valley.Today we will tell you more about this wine, where and how it is produced and why Georgians themselves are not very fond of this brand.Is it interesting...?The Alazan…