odrudy hroznů z celé Gruzie

Odrudy hroznů z celé Gruzie

GRUZÍNSKÉ ODRUDY HROZNŮ Země Gruzie, jako rodiště vinařství, je domovem více než 500 odrůd domácích hroznů – což je zhruba jedna šestina celkových světových odrůd hroznů. Gruzínské vinice zahrnují ohrožené vinice, které se nenacházejí nikde jinde na zemi. Dnes jsou na některých vinicích živé vinné knihovny, kde mohou návštěvníci ochutnat…


Gruzie leží na východním pobřeží Černého moře, kde se Evropa setkává s Blízkým východem a Asií. Tato samostatná hornatá země je obklopena Ruskem na severu, Tureckem a Arménií na jihu, Ázerbájdžánem na východě a Černým mořem na západě. Gruzie je malá země o rozloze 27 000 čtverečních mil a je…
Chráněné označení původu gruzínských vín CHOP

The Wine Appellations of Origin – Georgian wines (AOC) – 24 regions

Georgia has adopted the European Union's regulatory structure that defines wines associated with a specific place. To date, Georgia has registered 24 Protected Designations of Origin (PDOs -- Protected Designation of Origin for Georgian wines). Most of these are in the eastern part of the country; see the table below…
dekantér gruzínské víno

Georgian wine and decanter have historical roots.

Welcome, Georgian wine lovers! Today, we're taking a look at our e-store, where we're featuring authentic wines from Georgia, and we're taking a deeper look at decanter. What is it, how was it created, what is it used for, and why is it so important to Georgian wine? In this…
Alazani Valley алазанская долина

Why don’t Georgians like to drink Alazani Valley wine?

GEORGIAN WINE - ALAZANI VALLEY When people talk about Georgian wine, often the first name that comes to mind is Alazani Valley.Today we will tell you more about this wine, where and how it is produced and why Georgians themselves are not very fond of this brand.Is it interesting...?The Alazan…
vína vhodná k pití na podzim

Which wines from Georgia are good to drink in autumn?

Exploring the Delights of Georgian Wine in Autumn: Kindzmarauli, Alexandrouli, and Alazani Valley Are you a passionate traveler who loves to savor exquisite wines, especially in the enchanting embrace of autumn? If you're nodding your head, then join us on a journey to the heart of Georgia, where the vineyards…
Georgian wines for dinner - eshop

TOP 3 Georgian wines for dinner?

The best Georgian wines for dinner? If you're a wine lover and like to try new flavours, you'll have heard of Georgian wines. Georgia is a country with a rich wine tradition and offers some of the best wines in the world. But what Georgian wines to choose for dinner?…
Italian wine Georgian wine

Italian wine or Georgian?

Italian wine or Georgian? How do the wines differ and which is better and why? Find out how Italian and Georgian wines differ and the reasons for their popularity. Italian wine and Georgian wine are both world famous and popular. Each of these wines has its own unique characteristics and…
Georgian kvevri wine of orange colour

Georgian orange colour kvevri wine

Discover Georgian Kvevri Orange Wine! Welcome to our curated collection of Georgian Kvevri Orange Wine, where tradition meets innovation and delight embraces authenticity. If you are a connoisseur of quality wines, this category is heaven for you. Let's dive into the rich essence of this unique type of product that…
vinobrání v Gruzii

Family winery Tavtetrishvili

Vachnadziani Valley family farm and family winery Tavtetrishvili is located in the village of Vakhnadziani, Gurjaani district in Kakheti (eastern part of Georgia). The village of Vachnadziani is a secret treasure of Georgian history. According to archaeological excavations and historical records, the village was founded many centuries ago and has…
gruzínské víno v lete

Georgian summer white wines

When the warm summer days arrive, there's nothing quite as refreshing and delightful as a glass of cold, crisp white wine. Among the many options available, Georgian white wine stands out as a true gem. With its unique flavors, low-calorie content, and a rich history dating back thousands of years,…

Georgian winery KHAREBA

Khareba Winery produces in total more than 30 kinds of wine. The company's main priority is to produce the finest wines from grapes harvested from its own vineyards in eastern and western Georgia according to the best traditional as well as modern European methods. The company grows 25 different grape…