gruzínský med, georgian honey, Beekeeping in Georgia

Beekeeping in Georgia – a 5500-year-old craft

Beekeeping and bee breeding has a long tradition in Georgia, according to archaeological findings over 5500 years old. A wide variety of bee products are produced in Georgia, the most valuable being honey. The advantage of Georgian honey is also the fact that there are many areas in Georgia without…
Nový rok v Gruzii se slaví 14 ledna

“Old New Year” in Georgia

"Old New Year" falls on January 14. In Western Georgia, especially in Guria, the Old New Year is celebrated more often than December 31. They call the new year "Kalandoba". "Kalanda" is a Roman word meaning the first day of the new year. According to the Julian calendar used by…
Vánoce 2023 v Gruzii

Christmas, New Year and an unusual Georgian christmass tree – chichilaki

The Julian calendar is still used in Georgia. The consequence of this is that the first day of the new year is celebrated first, followed by Orthodox Christmas. Christmas itself is celebrated by the Georgian Orthodox Church on January 7, when believers usually meet in the church, where a special…

Churchella – traditional Georgian sweet

Co to vlastně ta Čurčchela je? Slavnou gruzínskou sladkostí z ořechů a hroznové šťávy je čurčchela. Není známo, kdy přesně se čurčchely objevily, ale připravují se již dlouhou dobu. Původně je připravovaly gruzínské matky pro své syny, kteří šli do války nebo na dlouhou cestu – zasytily je a zvýšily…